Thursday 15 November 2007

Year Six Weekend - Distinctive Voices

L.O. To understand that use of a distinctive manner of speech serves to develop characterisation

In class we studied the use of 'distinctive voices' in story dialogue. We also looked at setting out our speech using a colon - another little trick to impress the Grumpy Examiner. Revise our work on distinctive voices by clicking here.

Your homework is to write a second draft of your 'timed writing' story, ensuring that you include one character who speaks using a distinctive voice.

Feeling clever? Set out some of your dialogue using a colon. Naturally, you should also be thinking hard about your use of the bracketing comma.

You should also complete the non-verbal paper. When you've finished, use the answer sheet to work out your scores. We'll discuss the 'tricky' questions on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend, and make sure you pop back to the blog on Sunday for 'fun stuff' and some more comprehension tips! Have fun!

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