L.O. To revise the structure of the first 1/2 page of a short story
We have been studying the structure of the first 15 lines of a short story. To help you remember this key information, we are going to create 'clapping and movement rhymes'. This is a kinesthetic learning tasks - learning by carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration.
Kinesthetic learning is a key learning style. Learn more about learning styles here.
In class, we enjoyed videos of the year Six 'parts of speech' clapping and movement rhymes. You're going to create the same thing, but this time it is for story structure.
Homework: In pairs, create a memorable 'clapping and movement' rhyme to help your friends remember the structure of the first fifteen lines of a short story. Make sure you include references to exciting first lines, all of the descriptive techniques (five senses, colour, simile, etc), shown feelings and describing a character.
You can learn more about these key skills through the links below:
What is story structure?
Exciting first line
Setting the scene using our descriptive techniques
More speech and describing one of the characters
We'll video all of your work next week, and vote for the 'best' - Which is the most memorable rhyme? Which rhyme packed in the most information about story structure?
Here is an example of the parts of speech rhyme from a school in the North of England. Your rhyme will need to be longer than this to pack in all the information -and you might want to include some dance elements, too!
Find time to meet with your partner - at break, lunch or after-school - to write and rehearse your story structure clapping rhyme!
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