Thursday 24 July 2008

Fun Stuff!


Anonymous said...

hello im in yasmins house!!!
which means im in london
your blog is nice
i have blog about my favourite band called `arashi"
but its in japanese...
i still keep your 11+ stuff
from yuri m

Anonymous said...

That seem exactly like my fat cat Brownie from Hermione (trouble)

Anonymous said...

hello it's naomi and amy! We really enjoyed the film and thought it was really funny. It reminds us of N's fat cat brownie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We really miss fsg but we really like latymer. Oh mr Hitchen I remembered how to spell Laytmre. ha ha ha....
Amy is reading the declaration and Naomi is reading to kill a mockingbird.

by the way, do u know that the follow-on from the black book of secrets is out? it's called the bone magician. it's really good.

and oh zach is not amy's boyfriend.

Miss you all and c u soon (hopefully)