Wednesday 30 April 2008

Year 6 - The Booklovers!

The band The Divine Comedy released a song called 'The Booklovers', where the band list their favourite authors, and make a comment after each author, e.g. after 'Charles Dickens' someone says "London is so beautiful this time of year...". Dickens was famously fond of London and many of his novels are set partly or entirely in London. "The Booklovers" contains references to over seventy different authors.

We're going to create our own, child-friendly version of the Booklovers! We will say the name of an author, and then give a short quote, or make a joke connected to the author, e.g.

J.K. Rowling - Don't say Voldemort!
Roald Dahl - Just take a little sip of this medicine.
C.S. Lewis - I wonder what's at the back of this wardrobe...

Homework: Make a list of your ten favourite authors, and write a job/quote or reference to that author, e.g. Charlie Higson - And now you will die, Master Bond!. Think carefully! We'll select fifty or so of our favourites and add them to music to create 'The Falcons Booklovers' podcast, promoting reading around the school!

This isn't the Booklovers, but it will give you some ideas!

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