Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Year 3 Creative Writing Homework - Adventure and Mystery Stories - Combining Speech and Description

L.O. To open a story by setting the scene and following it with direct speech.

In the Autumn term we focussed on writing dialogues using direct speech; in the Spring term we studied descriptive techniques.

This term, we are going to write simple adventure stories that combine description and speech.

In class, we wrote we described a cave (using the five senses, colours and similes) and then wrote a conversation to go with it.

Homework: Look at the haunted house picture we studied in class.

Imagine you are stood outside it. In your book, under the heading 'Description of a Haunted House', describe the haunted house in your own words using the five senses, colours and similes. Write 6-7 lines

Then, under the heading 'Conversation', write the conversation you imagine you would have with your friend about entering the cave. Don't forget to indent your direct speech! Watch this video to revise this key skill:

Feeling clever? Don't forget to include similes when you 'set the scene'

You can revise descriptive techniques by clicking here; revise story dialogue by clicking here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So simple but brilliant thank you!!