Please create with a partner a 'parts of speech' clapping rhyme - we'll record them next week, and you'll be sitting a Latymer-style past paper where you have to identify, for example, the adjective in a sentence.
This is a great example of kinesthetic learning - learning through movements and actions. Learn more about kinesthetic learning here.
L.O. To revise the different types of question in a comprehension test
In class we completed the infamous 'Colin Ramsey' paper, and focused on underlining key words in the questions; your homework is to create some comprehension questions of your own. Please create your comprehension and email it to, or bring it into school on a USB key for next Monday.
Click here if you want to download another copy of the prompt sheet from
Don't forget that Bald Worm's comprehension blog - - contains all the advice you need to become brilliant at completing (and setting!) 11+ comprehension papers
Thursday Listen to the Year Six Comprhension Podcast. Pay particular attention to the first couple of minutes, when the girls talk about reading with a pencil, annotating and P-E-Eing all over the page.
Please complete the 'Hurricane Gold' comprehension for homework.
Friday Please complete the 'Stormbreaker' comprehension for homework. Don't forget to bring in the 'planning and seven/eight lines' homework - and you need to have your Spy HQ bases finised for Thursday!
L.O. To write a detective story featuring a fictional detective
You are going to create your own Holmes-style Victorian detective. Learn more about inventing a character here.
Thursday In class, you created a fictional detective, and began to plan a story based on an 'open' title; please write the first 15 lines of that story for homework. Don't forget to describe your detective's study/flat and what they look like!
Feeling clever? Include a colon as you set the scene!
Due: Friday.
In class you wrote 'The Broken Vase' under timed conditions. Please type up this story, improving it as you go, and either (i) bring it in on USB or (ii) email it to me at so we can put together a 'The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes' laminated book for the school library!
English L.O. To vary dialogue openings in the first 15 lines of a short story.
Please complete the 15 lines you began with a partner in class. Don't forget to include a character description.
Feeling clever? Try to include a colon, the listing comma, the joining comma and the bracketing comma in the first 8 lines! Quite a challenge - you'll have to 'split your brain in two'
Due: Thursday.
Mathematics Please work for 1/2 hour in your Mental Ar. book
Flatclassroom projects are lessons that use Web 2.0 tools - things like wikis, blogs, podcasts and videos - to communicate and collaborate with pupils on the other side of the world.
We've just joined a new flat classroom project - Time Zone Experiences - where we are going to share details of our day with pupils in the USA and Australia (don't worry: we won't be sharing any personal details or posting pictures), creating some work in our IT lessons for them to enjoy, and learning about their lives.
Please complete the 'Clare and Two Aunts' 11+ comprehension under timed conditions; use the online stopwatch to time yourself - no more than half-an-hour, please! This is a pretty easy comp. - as long as you read the passage - so aim for your best score so far!
Your Mathematics is to work for 1/2 hour in your Mental Arithmetic books.
P.S. The revised times table challenge is here for you to download.
Your homework is to complete two of the picture + first 7/8 tasks. This work completes our planning unit. Remember, you can revise all our planning work at, or revist the tasks on the pupil wiki, at
Your challenge is to include an exciting opening line and set the scene. Make sure that you visit the links at and revise these key skills.
Please bring in this work a week on Monday.
Model update: Please build your secret spy hq for a week on Wednesday (1st October) Full details can be found on the post below!
In class we looked at how to plan a detective story based on Sherlock's deductive methods.
Plan and write a Sherlock Holmes story entitled The Stolen Watch. Write 1 1/2 sides of A4. Make sure it is a story of deduction, not a story of a crime!
Feeling clever? Include all of these commas in the first 15 lines of your story: * Listing * Joining * Bracketing * Adverb-starter
1. Please complete the five handplans for each of the different types of conflict.
Due: Thursday.
2. Next week we are going to be looking at spy novels, because this is a brilliant way to learn about using suspense and action.
Novelists often use models to help them 'picture' a location in their imagination (a bit like playing in a doll house!); I would like you to design and build a secret hq for a bad guy.
Build a model of a secret hq. Here are some of the things you could include:
* Banks of computer screens * A giant map of the world * Secret doors or compartments * Torture chamber (yuck!) * Sharks! * Henchmen/goons * Evil pets * Rockets * Dwarf servant * Desk * Armchair with buttons
How you build the model is up to you! Here are some of the materials you might choose to use: * Cardboard boxes painted over * Sticky-back plastic * Wood * Paper mashed and glued * Washing up bottles * Model Paint
This video will give you some ideas (don't make Tracy Island, though! Just use the same techniques!)
Hint: Design the hq on paper before you start to construct it!
Be as imaginative as you can! Bring your model into class next Thursday! We are going to base a series of stories in this location, so do a great job! There will be a small prize for the best model!
We'll photograph the models and stick them on the pupil wiki for the world to enjoy, and then write scenes and stories set in this location!
Over the next two weeks we are going to secure our knowledge of how to structure the first 15 lines of a short story.
Learn more about the Red-Headed League here. You can listen to a podcast of 'The Red-Headed League' here (try refreshing the page if the player fails to load).
Homework: Write an eight-ten line description of Sherlock Holmes' rooms in 221b Baker Street, using the floor plan to help you! Include as many of our descriptive techniques as you can; don't forget that the best writers make sure they use a varied prose style as they write.
Sometimes an 'o' can sound like a 'u' e.g. 'oven' can sound like it should be spelt 'uven'
oven among come money government discover none
'u' often makes an indistinct, or unclear sound which can make it difficult to hear that it is in the word.
antique cheque business Saturday laugh aunt
Some words may seem to have too many 'u's in them.
unusual queue (don't confuse this word with 'cue' - a billiard or snooker cue)
(You can get a print out of this information here.)
Learn these spellings using the look-say-cover-write-check method. You will be tested with a dictation on Friday.
2. On blank A4, create a neat copy of one of your hand plans. Colour in the hand with flesh tones using a pencil. Put your name neatly in one corner of the plan. This work will be displayed, so keep it super tidy! Please include your original brainstorm at the top of the plan.
We looked at the importance of inference. Sometimes someone will try to tell you something without coming right out and saying it. He will imply it. When you understand what is implied, you infer. You can revise the online inference quiz here.
Homework: Please complete the 'Willie and the Bone' comprehension. Due: Tomorrow.
Write a second draft of your timed writing story (Write a story that includes the sentence: "Why are you arresting me?" she screamed. "I - I've done nothing wrong!"), focussing on making improvements.
Don't forget to complete your verbal reasoning homework, too.
Next week we'll be looking at story structure, so please visit to learn more!
Please complete test paper one of the verbal reasoning book. Remember, a good score in verbal reasoning can make all the difference - can you get 100% in the first paper?
1. Create a goal-impediment-solution plan for the title 'The Lost Keys' 2. Write the first fifteen lines of this story. Don't forget to begin with an exciting opening line, set the scene, use some dialogue and describe one of the characters.
Feeling clever? Try to include an adverb-starter, listing, joining and a bracketing comma when you 'set the scene'.
Homework: Create two plans based on the pictures on the last page of the 'pictures' pack. Remember to plan neatly so your friends can read your brilliant ideas!
2. Create two plans - brainstorming and writing out a clear plan - for the titles
(i) The Terrible Storm
(ii)The Angry Cat
Write the plans neatly into your A4 blue book.
P.S. Disappointed with your comprehension score? You would have scored a lot more marks if you'd used the P-E-E approach. Click here to learn more. You should also listen to this podcast before next week's comprehension lesson.
L.O. To revise the goal-impediment-solution method & To revise the importance of conflict in a short story.
Homework: Brainstorm and plan a goal-impediment-solution plan for the title, ‘Hunted’. Write the first 15 lines of this story, beginning with an exciting opening line, and setting the scene using our descriptive techniques.
Feeling clever? Include personification & the bracketing comma. Annotate your ‘finished’ 15 lines to show me where you’ve included the bracketing comma.
There is a secret to getting commas in the right place: the connective. We use a connective to joing together two sentences that might otherwise stand on their own. For instance, 'Mr Hitchen thinks he is cool' is a sentence. As is, 'He looked stupid trying to dance.' It is when you join these two sentences together that you need a connective. Join the two sentences together and you get this: 'Mr Hitchen is a criminal mastermind, but he looked stupid trying to dance.' Do you notice where I put the comma? That's right - before the connective.
Homework: Learn the words to the comma song and write a tune to go with it.
L.O. To revise reading a paper by (i) reading with a pencil & (ii) mouthing the words
Please complete the 'Daydreamers' comprehension. Due: Tomorrow.
Don't forget to listen to the 'reading the paper' podcast here. There is tons of advice on becoming brilliant at comprehensions here - and learn about P-E-Eing here.