There is a special 100 Word Challenge this week:‘Send My Friend to School‘.
As the name suggests, they help children in the UK speak up on behalf of the 67 million children who do not go to school.
The prompt this week is to answer this question:
….Why do you think school is important? ….
It can be difficult to imagine something that you have never experienced. Here is a brief description of one little girl’s experience
Ummi is 12 and lives in Kabiji, Nigeria. Her father is a trader and does not earn enough money to buy the books, uniform or shoes Ummi needs to go to school. Instead Ummi sells snacks at a local market. Ummi says “My friends got to Kabiji Primary School. When I see them going, I wish I could go too.”
The people at ‘Send My Friend to School’ have very kindly offered some T-shirts as prizes to the best 5 entries. Let’s make sure they see your very best work! There is an example here:
Write your 100 words on 'Why do you think school is important?' on your kidblog at; I will link any entries to the 100 Word Challenge. Let's see if a Falcons Girl can win one of the prizes!