Monday 28 January 2008

Marvellous Mathematics Day - Origami Books

Your challenge is to make an origami book...from only a sheet of A3, and you are not allowed to use any glue. (Clue: You only need to make one cut to the paper). Upper School girls will have to work it out for themselves; lower-school girls will have a little help!

When finished, you can use the book to write down a times table!

Here is another way to make an origami book:

Going further: Origami books are a great way to collect an anthology of poetry. Why not make an origami book, copy in your favourite poems, and illustrate it?

Year Six are working on wiki-based biographies on our pupil wiki, and know it It is is important to acknowledge your sources - so visit an English teacher's blog,, to see where I pinched the diagram!

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