Wednesday 6 February 2008

Year 5 Fiction - Action Techniques: Spy v.s. Shark!

L.O. To combine action techniques in a scene of action, including the use of powerful verbs

In class, we studied our action techniques, and we wrote some action scenes.

For homework, I want you to imagine you have been captured by your nemesis - and thrown into a pool infested with...sharks!

Write an action scene, describing your fear, and how you escape from the sharks. Try not to make it too gory! Your objective is to use all of our action techniques. Write a first draft in your book, and then type it up on your wiki page (you've got until Friday to do this).

Feeling clever? Think about how one-sentence paragraphs can add to the excitement

Don't forget to show how much it hurts, like this:

P.S. Make sure you read my comments on your suspense scenes - just click on the 'discussion' tab.

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