Monday 11 May 2009

Year 5 Word Work: 'y' into 'i' Spellings

Have you watched the latest Bald Worm mini-guide? The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed that I've added a 'video bar' to the blog, so you can catch up on all Bald Worm's videos!

In class we were studying the colon - one use of which is to connect two sentences if the second is a restatement or further explanation of the first:

Minds are like parachutes: they only work when they are open.
I devised a new exercise plan: I would get up early and jog every morning.

1. Complete the comprehension from last night. Make sure you mention 'characterisation' when answering question 9!

2. Learn the 'i' into 'y' spellings at Spelling City.

P.S. This is the Bald Worm blog post number six hundred! Woo!

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