Thursday 19 March 2009

Year 6: Type Up Your 'Flat World' Story

We have been added to the 1001 Flat World tales map - visit the Flat World tales to find out more about the schools we've been linked with in our workshop (Workshop J):

Zurich International School in Switzerland


Roberts Elementary School in Huston, USA

Wow! We're going to get to collaborate with pupils on the other side of the world!

Homework: Please type up your story on either (A) the pupil blog or (b) on word and email it to We'll 'cut and paste' it onto your page on the Flat World stories wiki next week, and begin reviewing our new friends' work in the Summer term.

Make sure you make improvements and corrections to your story as you go, paying attention to my P-Q-P comments in your book. Don't forget to visit if you need to revise any of our key skills!

Due: Monday

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