Sunday 11 November 2007

Year Six Comprehension - Inference

L.O. To understand the need to infer from the text, and identify the author's use of characterisation techniques, when asked to work out how a character feels.

In class, we looked at how writer's manipulate the reader by making them care about the characters.

Questions about characters are all about inferring from what is happening in the text.

Writers are trying to influence how you feel by using a variety of techniques. The highest marks are won by girls who can recognise and analyse how the writer has used language to achieve their purpose.

Homework: Please complete the Comprehension paper on the A4 provided. Be sure to use evidence to prove your answers. Revise our work on 'identifying characterisation techniques' by clicking here.

(Hint: You’ll probably want to need to include the word ‘...suggests’ in your answer!)

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