Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Year Six - Persuasive Writing - Using Connectives

L.O. To understand that connectives bring fluency to an argument

'The world would be a better place if television had never been invented.' Write an essay either for or against this statement.

Persuasion texts argue a case from a particular point of view. They are written to convince the reader or listener.

• Use our rhetorical techniques, e.g. facts and figures, positive language, rheotirical questions
• Try to get the reader interested and on your side – appear reasonable
• Use strong and positive language e.g. it will ruin the environment if… you must try this before any others…
• Make the reader think that everyone else does this, or thinks that it will make them a better and happier person!
• Reread and decide whether you would be persuaded

Make sure that you use a range of connectives e.g. however, therefore, as a result, in fact, consequently , and a a concluding paragraph with a summary of the points.

Read through your 'finished' writing to decide whether you would be persuaded and that you have a good balance of facts and statements to help persuade your readers.

Feeling clever? Try to make the most important points using impact sentences.

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