Sunday 1 November 2009

NaNoWriMo Day 1: Beginning the Novel

I'm taking part in National Novel Writing Month, writing a 50,000 word novel in just thirty days. That means I need to write at least 1,663 words per day. Gulp! My story, The Crimes of Count Grassi, is about a girl, Rebecca, who lives with her strange Uncle, the poet Count Grassi. Only Rebecca knows the Count's secret: when night falls, Count Grassi is a thief!

I began writing my NaNoWriMo novel today (Sunday). I 'set the scene' in chapter 1, describing my character Count Grassi's study. I also set up the first crime.

It was fairly easy to reach my word count today, so I tried to 'go big' and rack up a lot of words, so if it get harder later in the month I'll have already bitten off a good chunk of my 50,000 word target. Today's word count:

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