Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Year Six Fiction - Including character descriptions

On Monday, we revised character descriptions, focussing on 'zooming in', colour and the use of similes to describe a character. Revise that work by clicking here.

Today we revised including these character descriptions in the first 15 lines of a short story. Revise our work on story structure by clicking here.

Task: Write the first 1/2 page of a story entitled 'Halloween'. Follow our story structure. Finish the first 1/2 page with a character description.

Feeling clever? Use all three of the commas we've studied (listing, joining and abverb-starter) and include a bracket in the first seven lines!

Feeling really clever? Try to include personification when you set the scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mr h why does ur face look like a pumpkin in that picture?

006 aka nom and sim aka I69