Sunday, 14 October 2007

Your New Comprehension Teacher

Bob Dylan is one of the greatest rock singers of all time, and a brilliant writer. He is also an extremely good friend of mine (he often comes round to play on my Playstation), so when I asked him to make a new video for the blog, reminding Falcons girls of the key comprehension skills, he was only too happy to help. Click below to see what he has to say about 11+ comprehension exams!

WARNING: The end of the video includes an advert for Bob Dylan's new greatest hits album. Don't bother to buy it - your Dad has almost certainly already got seven copies in his cd collection.


Anonymous said...

My dad would have been more impressed if you had used David Bowie!
Is it still ok for Amy and I to visit the Falcons on Monday after half term? I want to come and see my sister hard at work while i am still on holiday!
Naomi 006

Mr Hitchen said...

Sure thing, 006! We can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

006, I'll have you know that Dylan is so much better than Bowie! . Anyway, I would come and see the old Falcons with you if i wasn't at school on that day. :( I'll come another time when i won't get killed for missing my new school to see my old school! I hope you and Amy have fun.

007 ( Now working for SPGS)

Anonymous said...

Dear 007,
I always knew that you would defect in the end! JOKING! Wish you could come to visit with me and Amy too.

Anonymous said...

006, you are urgently wanted by M. I am insulted that such a great agent could assume that i am a double agent. This is not the end.

Anonymous said...

GreatMr H!