Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho! Santa Worm has a sack full of 11+ preparation work just for you.
Year Five
Year Five are focussing on on comprehension techniques this holiday. Want a copy of Bald Worm's Xmas Holiday Comprehension work? Click here to download a copy.
Want the answers? Visit Bald Worm's comprehension blog - http://bit.ly/comprehension - and click on 'Xmas 11+ Exam Preparation' at the top of the page, or click here.
Year Six
As Year Six prepare for the exams in January, they'll be completing a number of tasks - and there's a special Year Six Christmas Holiday Homework page at our pupil wiki here.
This include Bald Worm's London Girls' Consortium-style papers - click here to download an 11+ comprehension and composition paper based on King Solomon's Mines & here for a comp set around a mysterious meal...
P.S. Click on the link to get a copy of the Year Six Xmas holiday recommended reading list?
Have a great break! I look forward to seeing you all in January!
(Image by KevinDooley; used under Creative Commons agreement)